I attended a meeting with Mayor Mancini of Long Beach Township on February 7. The meeting focused on the aftermath of Sandy and the importance of oceanfront property owners understanding the facts regarding beachfront easements. The Mayor shared the following information which is very important and time sensitive:
- The signatures from oceanfront owners is an acknowledgment by the homeowner for authorized personnel from the Army Core of Engineers or DEP to take action to build and maintain the physical integrity of our beaches and dunes
- The easements do not create the right for public access, or even access by the Army Core of Engineers, to go down a private lane or across an oceanfront property
- There will be no bathrooms, boardwalk, or anything else constructed on the dunes
It is imperative that every oceanfront homeowner sign the easement authorization by March 1. If our communities do not have 100% support in favor of dune replenishment the millions of dollars offered by the federal government will no longer be available to LBI and will instead be used in New York or elsewhere.
For all Long Beach Township homeowners that have not signed, Mayor Mancini would personally welcome your call and may be reached directly at his office 609-361-6689.
Mayor Huelsenbeck has stated the ocean came over the dunes in Ship Bottom and our properties were flooded primarily from the ocean, not the bay. The towns that had the replenishment project had little to no damage by comparison. For Ship Bottom property owners, please call Mayor Huelsenbeck at (609) 494-2171 x 116.
Mayor Keeler of Beach Haven has stated that they only need three more signatures, and is confident he will have them by the end of February. Holgate is in need of just one more signature. Some towns such as Ship Bottom, Loveladies, and North Beach are still in need as many as 25 more signatures.